On Tue, 31 May 2011, Markus Hanauska wrote:

On 2011-05-31, at 12:10 , Mohacsi Janos wrote:

If you get /64 and you need more subnets from your provider then probably you 
asked something wrong.

Or you have the wrong provider...

I agree.

but if this is the only provider available in your area, that can offer you a symmetric 100 MBit/s fibre connection for business purposes, what are you going to do? Move your whole company elsewhere? I don't think so. Sometimes it is also a question of money; you can have a larger prefix, if you are willing to pay ten times the price, which is not acceptable for every company in the world.

You have to explain your provider to assign more otherwise they are not following the registration policy documents of RIRs e.g Section 5.3 and 5.4.x

What collision? You should use 'u' bit accrdingly:
1 - if automaticaly assigned
0 - if manually assigned.

But it is also 0 for SLAAC addresses w/ privacy extension and those are 
automatically assigned, in example.

You can argument for change in the RFC 4941 revision.

Best Regards,
                Janos Mohacsi
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