On 2011-05-23, at 23:56 , Mark Smith wrote:

>> Christopher Morrow <christopher.mor...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Just say that at startup time, invoke SLAAC & DHCPv6 both. Then use
>> whatever is available. That would have been simple and
>> predictable. (And avoided 10GB of mailing list discussion!)

I'm totally with Christopher here. A flag is actually not necessary at al IMHO. 
Considering the huge address space and the fact that an IPv6 node usually has 
multiple addresses per interface anyway, one or two additional addresses make 
no difference for the node or the network at a whole.

> What if both are available,

Then a node has both, a SLAAC address and a DHCPv6 address. Where is the 
problem? The only problem I can think of is the issue I was trying to discuss 
here a couple of weeks ago: An address collision between SLAAC addresses and 
non-SLAAC addresses. Normal SLAAC should never collide with DHCP, since the 'u' 
bit is always 1 for a SLAAC address (globally unique) but should be '0' for a 
DHCP address (not globally unique). Only SLAAC with Privacy Extension could 
collide with DHCP (since it also has a 'u' bit of 0) and I was told on this 
list "Don't worry, the address space is so huge, this is probably never going 
to happen". I personally would have preferred if the standards reserved an 
address range within each /64 network that must not be used by SLAAC 
(regardless what kind of SLAAC, it is taboo) and thus is safe for DHCP pools or 
manual assigned addresses;  however most people here seem to reject such an 
address range (for reasons I cannot really understand, since it would not 
 hurt anyone in any way, but it could be pretty useful in real world scenarios).

> Conflict
> resolution in these sorts of situations isn't always simple and
> predictable.

Conflict resolution is not really necessary. What kind of conflict do you have 
to solve? If a network runs a DHCPv6 server that also hands out addresses, the 
network operators probably want people to use DHCPv6 over SLAAC, so if a host 
obtains both, an interface address via SLAAC and DHCPv6, then it should prefer 
the DHCPv6 address for all outgoing traffic, since if it uses the SLAAC 
address, a router may not forward their traffic or a firewall may drop it. If a 
network runs a DHCPv6 server, that does not hand out addresses (but possibly 
other useful information), then the operators probably want you to use SLAAC to 
obtain an address - in that case the system may use SLAAC or it may use SLAAC 
with Privacy Extension for outgoing traffic. If no DHCP server is present at 
all, SLAAC is your only option anyway. If there is a DHCP server but it refuses 
to talk to you or hand out an address to you, it is the same situation as if no 
such server was present.

> I'm not particularly pro-SLAAC, however I sit back and wonder what is
> missing from it that makes DHCP essential?

The possibility to assign a specific address to a specific host, e.g. so that 
forward and reverse DNS resolution works for this host and so that you can 
create firewall rules on IP level. The same works with SLAAC, if you can for 
sure predict the interface identifier, but it will fail if privacy extension 
enters the game and also it means you have to update lots of configs whenever 
the interface ID of a node changes (e.g. NIC being replaced), in case of DHCP 
though, it is enough to store the new MAC address in the DHCP config and still 
assign the same IP as before to this host and everything will work as it used 

Sure, you can do the same thing by manually assigning IP addresses and not use 
DHCP or SLAAC at all but being able to manage all this from a central place (a 
single server that is DHCP server and DNS server at the same time, for example) 
is much simpler and a lot less error-prone(!); further if you want/have to 
change the assigned IP address of a single host or group of hosts, it will be 
much easier.

> It seems to me that the
> functional reason people want DHCP is that they think it will track
> address use - but it won't if end-nodes are manually assigned static
> addresses.

However, on most systems you need admin/root access to do any such thing and 
normal computer users on those networks may not have those access rights to 
their systems. Also intentionally breaking thinks like forward/reverse DNS 
resolution has no advantages to the user, it only has disadvantages, so why 
would he want to do so? The only reason I could think of is bypassing firewall 
rules and for this, as mentioned before, the user must have admin/root access 
and even that may not really buy him something, since the firewall may drop any 
traffic from an IP address that has not been assigned by DHCP. So the only 
thing the user could do is manually assigning the DHCP address of another node 
to his node... and this will fail, ND will prevent that from succeeding.

Sure, you can argue "what if a user uses a custom Linux system, with a custom 
kernel, that does not perform ND at all?"... but honestly, let's not go too 
deep into the topic security, security is certainly not the main argument for 
or against DHCP; I also doubt anyone ever said so. High security networks are 
the 0.01% case of all IPv6 networks and they may even require nodes to 
establish an IPSec tunnel to allow this host to send any traffic anywhere at 
all and/or shield network ports through VLANs and so on.

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