On 21  Jun 2011, at 12:47 , Christian Huitema wrote:
> Really? The fragment ID can change with each packet, correct? Imagine a UDP 
> stream that for some reason uses large packets. Or maybe some large packets 
> and some small packets. Isn't the proposal going to result in different 
> packets of the same "application stream" getting different flow ids? Isn't 
> that going to be somewhat problematic for load balancers?

I think the starting point probably should be the prior notes 
on this from Brian & George.  As my note made clear, I merely 
echoed their words.

        In which, Brian wrote in part:
        > As far as routers go, I think we have to say that an implementor 
        > has to choose between a reassembly-based solution using the 5-tuple 
        > and simply using the 2-tuple (maybe also the fragmentation ID 
        > - there is some scope for ingenuity here).

        In which, George wrote in part:
        > However, to Brian's comment about fragmentation ID, 
        > is there any reason why the draft can't recommend 
        > (or even require) this as a possible improvement over 
        > straight 2-tuple in the revert case?



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