Le 04/07/2011 09:34, Randy Bush a écrit :
could you explain to my why i would want to reach any random router
on a lan?

Maybe for a form of reliability and, indirectly, bootstrapping - of
Mobile IPv6.

Mobile IPv6 has this DHAAD procedure by which a MH sends a request with
dst address an anycast address ("HAs on the home link").  Only one
HA will reply even though several may be present in the same lan subnet.
 They have previously synched among them (a preference field in RA) to
decide who's to send that reply.

Thus, anycast and multiple HA on the home link is advantageous for
reliability of Mobile IPv6.

Indirectly, this use of anycast means bootstrapping also is easier: the
HA anycast identifier being well-known, a MH is to be preconfigured
solely with the prefix of its home link (it subsequently obtains
dynamically its Home Address, the HA address and so on.)


some mey go to florida, others to shinjuku, and one goes to hell in a

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Requests: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipv6

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