On 2011-07-13 13:20 , Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Jul 2011, Jeroen Massar wrote:
>> To take this little thing called SixXS as an example, we allocate a /64
>> per tunnel, but only use <tunnel>::1 (PoP) and <tunnel>::2 (user).
>> We actually only configure ::1 on the tunnel and route ::2 to the
>> tunnel, thus effectively two /128's. Thus for everything else there will
>> be directly an ICMP unreachable. Simple as that.
> A tunnel is not a broadcast medium, it's a point to point device. You
> already statically tell it what the other end address is, right? Thus,
> this is not a problem on this type of tunnel.

And you can do exactly the same on a Ethernet link... if there are only
2 addresses (router + user) then there is no need to do ND, well, you
might need to discover the ::2 but that is it, the rest can be ignored.

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