On Jul 13, 2011, at 01:00 , Philip Homburg wrote:
> I'm not aware of any system today that in the presence of just SLAAC can
> figure out where the stateful firewall is hiding in the network and how to
> get it to open the port you need automatically (i.e. whenever a host allocate
> a passive socket).
> If you want to go that route, then IMHO, there is a huge amount of work to be 
> done. Certainly to get it to work transparently for every possible protocol
> that runs on top of IPv6.

I don't believe there are any implementations, but I did propose a system to do 


It provoked an interesting and illustrative discussion once people understood 
just what ubiquitous deployment of a protocol to do this would mean for 
Internet privacy.

james woodyatt <j...@apple.com>
member of technical staff, core os networking

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