Hi Jeroen,

Am 29.09.2011 09:30, schrieb Jeroen Massar:
> You do realize that the RIRs are providing exactly what you describe? :)
>  - globally guaranteed unique (due to registry) large address prefixes
> Which is why from my information ULA-C has also been abandoned, as it
> already is something that has already been resolved.

Ok, fine. We could use that _if_ the RIR policies allow unconnected use,
but David Farmer pointed out that some policies may forbid that. I just
figured out that RIPE's "IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy"
says in 2.6:
"To 'assign' means to delegate address space to an ISP or End User for
specific use within the Internet infrastructure they operate."
I'm not sure that one could denote the internal on-board network
of a car as Internet infrastructure operated by ...?!
Manufacturers also do not meet the LIR definition in 2.4, which
is a precondition to get an initial allocation though (cf. 5.1.1 a)).
Furthermore, where would a German manufacturer allocate the prefixes
for its cars that are exported to Asia (at RIPE or APNIC)?
So if we talk about ULA-Cs for traditional fixed networks you're right,
but my use case was different.

> What makes me wonder though, is why you would want to have different
> prefixes in different locations that never ever ever will talk to each
> other directly using those prefixes.

As already said, maybe not in the car scenario but in others.
However, history told us that address uniqueness is preferable in most

> At least I hope to never have a car that gets chatted up by the car next
> to it to suddenly pull on the handbreak.

Right, that's why we care about security in such an architecture.

> Any car-2-car communication IMHO would happen with a different global
> prefix, likely dynamically assigned to a 'gateway' function that has
> proper security properties (call it a 'car rest interface or so). That

Yep, correct.

> security gateway will then relay commands to it's internal network.
> That internal network can thus have the same prefix as the other car.
> This thus allows one to simply take a random /48 (likely ULA) and
> pre-program them in all the systems.

Sure, you could do that.

> Though it would be a cool idea, dynamically assigning addresses to
> random components in a car where one actually needs to also then
> maintain a registry of which components are where, will effectively mean
> that there will be a DNS server too of sorts to map 'engine' to
> 2001:db8:.....x and the left-mirror to 2001:db8:... Will be a lot of fun
> to build I guess, but debugging that will be horrible and overly
> complex. Then again, some times that is the fun in things right ;)

The car on-board network requires usually real-time control guarantees,
so having too much dynamics and several indirections/mappings is
probably not so suitable.

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