----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Andrews" <ma...@isc.org>
To: "Marc Lampo" <marc.la...@eurid.eu>
Cc: <ipv6@ietf.org>; "'Brian Haberman'" <br...@innovationslab.net>; "'Bob
Hinden'" <bob.hin...@gmail.com>; "'Arifumi Matsumoto'" <a...@arifumi.net>; 
Thaler'" <dtha...@microsoft.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 12:04 PM
> In message <006e01cd0668$898f0770$9cad1650$@la...@eurid.eu>, "Marc Lampo"
> >
> > I understand what you are writing, but is this the right way ?
> Yes.  It was always intended that this be updatable network wide.
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-fujisaki-dhc-addr-select-opt-09
> > The address selection table is, as far as I understand,
> > statically defined - not dynamically configurable (SLAAC or DHCPv6).
> > So, the suggestion is to adapt the table on every node of
> > the organisation.
> Yep.  DHCP does this sort of thing very well.

I note that the I-D referenced above allocates 32 bit for the zone index which
will suit a few implementations and not suit many, unless the intention is to
the SNMP ifIndex and map from that to the string used by such implementations.

Hopefully, 6man will be invited to review this as and when it progresses,
otherwise it will have to be at IETF Last Call:-(

Tom Petch

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
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