On Fri, 2012-08-10 at 22:32 +0000, Duncan, Richard (Jeremy) wrote:
> That's not the case at all.  In testing I have done on Unix, Linux and
> Windows systems they all do (1).  5.4.5. When Duplicate Address
> Detection Fails
> A tentative address that is determined to be a duplicate as described above 
> MUST NOT be assigned to an interface, and the node SHOULD log a system 
> management error.

My experience with Linux is that a duplicate LLA resukts in a down
interface, a duplicate GUA results in a permanently-tentative enabled

Regards, K.
Karl Auer (ka...@biplane.com.au)

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Old fingerprint: DA41 51B1 1481 16E1 F7E2 B2E9 3007 14ED 5736 F687

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