Hi, Brian,

On 12/18/2012 01:32 PM, Brian Haberman wrote:

>> Thanks so much for your feedback! -- Please find my comments inline...
>> On 12/13/2012 03:57 PM, Brian Haberman wrote:
>>> Substantive
>>> ----------------
>>> * It would be quite useful to explicitly define "atomic fragment" prior
>>> to using it in the document.  This could be done in the Introduction in
>>> a formal manner and the use of "atomic fragments" in the Abstract can be
>>> re-worded.
>> How about this:
> The above sounds reasonable.

I will apply these changes to the next rev.

>>> * The Introduction needs to provide more motivation as to why we should
>>> allow these atomic fragments to exist.  Please provide the rationale
>>> discussed on the mailing list about how v4/v6 translators use the
>>> fragmentation information.
>> How about incorporating this text as a parenthetical note (indented
>> text) right after the third para of Section 1:
>> "IPv6/IPv4 translators employ the Fragment Identification information
>> found in the Fragment Header to select an appropriate Fragment
>> Identification value for the resulting IPv4 fragments".
> I am fine with adding the above text.  Not sure that it needs to be
> indented though.

The way I use indented text is to include info that is essentially a
"clarification" of something, but that you don't need to read to
understand the document.

>>> * What is the purpose of the indented paragraph within the first bullet
>>> of the list in section 2?  Is it a quote from one of the two referenced
>>> RFCs?
>> The bullet notes that some implementations fail to validate the ICMPv6
>> error messages. The indented text notes that it may be virtually
>> impossible to do so (i.e., a clarification).
> I would suggest just making that text a part of the bulleted text.
> Typically, indented text is a quotation.

OK, will do.

>>> * It is not clear to me why the document spends much time on discussing
>>> ICMP-based attacks on the source of traffic, especially ones that ignore
>>> existing RFCs, when the issue is really with devices that don't do the
>>> right thing on the receiving end.
>> Because by means of ICMPv6-based attacks an attacker can *trigger* the
>> use of IPv6 atomic fragments. Without such ability, an attacker could
>> only leverage atomic fragments for communication flows that legitimately
>> employ them.
> The point of this draft is to fix the re-assembly behavior at the
> receiver. There are a variety of ways for an attack to be launched that
> do not involve anything being sent to the sender, ICMP or not.

That note is meant to be a warning along the lines of "look, the trouble
here s not just attacks against existing atomic-fragment traffic, since
an attacker can actually trigger the generation of such atomic-fragments
for any communication flow.". i.e., it notes that, at the end of the
day, this change benefits not only communication flows already employing
atomic fragments, but rather *all* communication flows, since it is
trivial to trigger generation of atomic fragments.

I guess one might argue that part of this could be moved to the Sec Cons
section... but I thought it was too important/central to comment on it
only at the Sec Cons section.

>>>   In fact, I would like to ask the WG if the solution actually
>>> creates an
>>> attack vector on receiving hosts.  An on-device path could modify
>>> packets with Fragmentation headers by setting Offset=0 and M=0. This
>>> would cause the receiver to blindly treat the packet as an atomic and
>>> pass it up to the upper-layer protocol.
>> If the attacker is on path -- and essentially a man in the middle -- why
>> would he bother to do this if he can simply blackhole the legtimate
>> atomic-fragment, and create/send a new one?
> No, these are not legitimate atomic fragments.  Let's say that a source
> fragments a packet into three packets.  The attacker sees one of these
> packets and changes the offset and/or M to 0 in order to make that one
> fragment look like an atomic.

What would be the difference between this, and simply removing the
fragments from the net, and re-send the packets as e.g., non-fragmented

i.e., the bottom-line is that once the attacker becomes on-path (not to
mention "man in the middle"), this is kind of "game over". Things become
pretty much "IPsec or death".

> The receiver processes the modified fragment as atomic and passes it up
> to the upper-layer protocol.  My question to the WG is whether or not
> people see that as an issue.

Me, I don't see any issues here. For instance, it is very likely that,
as a result of this, some upper layer checksum will fail, and end the
packet will be drooped by the destination system. Also, as noted above,
if I was an attacker and for some reason wanted a legitimate fragment to
be "passed up" without any further processing/reassembly, I'd simply
re-encapsulate such contents in a non-fragmented packet (e.g., rather
than clearing the M and FO bits, I'd simply remove the Frag header). In
any case, I wonder what the "goal" that you think the attacker would
have in mind... because if the attacker is a MITM or is simply on-path,
and the goal is DoS, he can simply drop packet or corrupt them, rather
than playing with this particular issue.


Best regards,
Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fg...@si6networks.com
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