> My take would be to replace "Interface Index" in the expression with an 
> abstract "Interface_ID", and then explain that "Interfae_ID" can be either 
> the 
> Interface Index or the Interface name, and include some of the text above 
> (explaining why an implementation might want to include one or the other -- 
> i.e., 
> if your Interface Indexes are stable, use them. Else use the Interface name).

I suggest that you just leave the choice to developers, based on the tradeoffs 
necessary for their particular implementations. I can see cases where I would 
just use the MAC address, and others where the proper tradeoff is to use 
nothing at all. 

Just explain what the possible objectives are:

1) Stable address until reboot, versus forever

2) Stable address as long as the same MAC is used, versus stable address even 
if cards are swapped

3) System design for multi homing, versus system design with just one network 

It is unlikely that a single implementation will fit all cases.

-- Christian Huitema

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