On May 19, 2013, at 16:43 , Fernando Gont <fg...@si6networks.com> wrote:
> Other than the fix you suggested ("it MUST be different for each network
> interface simultaneously in use."), is there anything to be fixe in,
> say, Appendix A?

I don't see why Appendix A needs to comprise an exhaustive list of all 
possibilities, but it might be improved by the addition of something like this:

  A.4. Logical Network Service Identity

  Host operating systems with a conception of logical network service identity,
  distinct from network interface identity or index, may keep a UUID or similar
  number with the stability properties appropriate for use as the Net_Iface

> [I wrote:]

>> That's not the case with OS X, which makes no such guarantee.  Yes,
>> many people labor under the misconception that 'en0' is always the
>> Ethernet port, but we try to disabuse them of that idea every chance
>> we get.  
> Just out of curiosity: Do they use a different identifier with ifconfig?
> O actually use some other command altogether?

The names used by ifconfig(8) on OS X are provided for POSIX compatibility.  
The authoritative identity of network services and the interfaces where they 
are configured is managed by the system configuration daemon (configd).  The 
schema for that data tends to use UUID for unique identifiers.

>> The same thing goes for the interface index.  The only thing
>> that really identifies the interface uniquely is the UUID for the
>> network service that you find in the System Configuration Dynamic
>> Store, but even that may not be good choice for the Net_Iface value
>> here, because services come and go as users make configuration
>> changes and migrate their systems from one operating system release
>> to the next.
> Just ouf of curiosity: are UUIDs attahed to the NIC itself (as e.g. the
> MAC address)? Can they vary upon installation/removal of network interfaces?

The UUID in the SCDynamicStore are always chosen from a random number source.  
They may change as a result of user configuration events.  They may change when 
network interfaces are installed or removed.  They can be used to identify 
nodes in the System Configuration dynamic and persistent stores, and the 
natural way to implement the specification in this draft on OS X and iOS would 
be keep the Net_Iface parameter in the Network Service structure in the SC 
persistent store.

> Done. (this change will appear in upcoming version -08 of this document).

Awesome.  Thank you.

james woodyatt <j...@apple.com>
core os networking

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