* Oswald Buddenhagen via isync-devel <isync-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> 
[2024-02-19 18:18]:
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 06:07:18PM +0100, Peter P. wrote:
> > * Oswald Buddenhagen via isync-devel
> > <isync-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> [2024-02-19 18:03]:
> > > On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 05:09:43PM +0100, Peter P. wrote:
> > > > And no messages get synced to the far side.
> > > >
> > > > In an earlier attempt with the same command, only a few messages were
> > > > copied to the far side:
> > > >
> > > it looks very much like you still have an old state file lying around
> > Do you mean .mbsyncstate on the near side? So I would try to remove that
> > file?
> > 
> yes. or maybe you have one in ~/.mbsync or ~/.local/local/state/isync,
> depending on the box' SyncState config.
Thanks, yes, removing the corresponding .mbsyncstate file makes it work.

> remember to clear the far side again after removing the state file, or
> you'll get duplicates for the few new mails that did get synced.

Now the sync is interrupted at times due to the following SSL error:

Socket error: secure read from -whatever- : error:0A000126:SSL 
routines::unexpected eof while reading

and on the next run I do get:
Warning: lost track of XXX pushed message(s).

Does this message mean I will end up with duplicates on the far side as
well and will I have to clear the far side every time a full sync does
not go through due to errors?

Much appreciated Oswald!

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