Repying to myself below:

* Peter P. <> [2024-02-20 10:01]:
> Thanks Oswald for you replies below, everything worked fine in the end.
> What is the best way to completely sync a far side folder to the near
> side without keeping any previous near side messages?
> -Delete the folder off the near side filesystem and let it be re-created
> as part of the next sync?
> -Delete the near side .mbsyncstate and run mbsync --pull ?
This second way seems bad, as deleting near side .mbsyncstate, pulling
in all changes and THEN running a bi-directional sync may create
duplicates on the far side, as described by Oswald in one of his last
replies as:
"remember to clear the far side again after removing the state file, or
you'll get duplicates for the few new mails that did get synced.

So either deleting the near side folder completely, or running mbsync
--pull without removing the near side state file is preferable(?).

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