In sentence after the paragraph you quoted, I state that I turned off
scaling.  That's not my problem.  The originally stated question is this: Is
there a way to have uniform margins in Acrobat, but to also print with 1"
margins the whole way around?  Turning off the "Scale to Fit" doesn't
acheive that.
If it would help, I can provide two uncompressed PDFs: one that displays
correctly (but doesn't print correctly), and one that prints out correctly
(but doesn't print out correctly)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Leonard Rosenthol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "iText"
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: [iText-questions] Pdf Margins

> At 3:05 PM -0500 8/19/02, Matt wrote:
> >I tried simply saying pdf.setMargins(72, 72, 72, 72), but
> >I ran into an interesting problem:  When I open my PDFs in Acrobat, they
> >look fine, but when they print out, the margins are changed.  I found
> >although the document size was PageSize.LETTER, and my printer was
> >it at 8.5x11, it was considered 'oversized' because the printable area of
> >the printer is not quite 8.5x11in.  To compensate, something (Acrobat,
> >Windows, printer driver, ...) was scaling them, and applying a margin.
> Sounds like the user (you?) has one of the "Scale to Fit"
> options enabled in the Acrobat printing dialog.  Turn them off.
> Leonard
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Leonard Rosenthol
> Chief Technical Officer                      <http://www.pdfsages.com>
> PDF Sages, Inc.                              215-629-3700 (voice)
>                                               215-629-0789 (fax)

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