



From: IVI [mailto:ivi-boun...@lists.tizen.org] On Behalf Of karthik karthik
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2014 8:43 PM
To: ivi@lists.tizen.org
Subject: Re: Questions on weston-ivi-shell



Thanks for the reply,

I have a few doubts. Can you clarify them for me.

1) "Additionally, supporting wl_shell on ivi-shell is temporary."..

Does this mean the following.

Currently, wl_shell, the default shell in wayland/weston is supported on 
tizen.. But outside of tizen, there is a ivi_shell similar to desktop_shell 
that is used..

Can you point me to some documentation on wl_shell so that I can understand it 
better ??

2) I am trying to modify weston-ivi-shell, a bit. Instead of launching 
application binaries, I want to launch HTML5 web apps.

I took the ICO Homescreen as example and launching the apps using tizen 
application api's namely "aul_app_launch".

When I launch these applications, I am facing issues in IVISurfaceCreator..

When I run the program, the api returns a success on launch..

What I dont get to see application on the display each time..

If I look at the log, I could see this print statement printed 10 times..

               printf("IVISurfaceCreator: Search of native handle was ended.\n"
                       " But no surface was created.\n"
                       " Retry get_native_handle.\n");

Is there a reason why this is happening.. Can you help me with this..






On Wednesday, 23 July 2014 7:21 AM, "Tanibata, Nobuhiko (ADITJ/SWG)" 
<ntanib...@jp.adit-jv.com> wrote:




I will update the following info to wiki as well. Additionally, supporting 
wl_shell on ivi-shell is temporary. 


If application supports ivi_application.create_surface, you don’t have to use 
IVISurfaceCreater to map wl_surface to Global ID.

If you want to show application only supports wl_shell, IVISurfaceCreater is 
useful tool.


 a) Launch application using system calls. The application on launch, will 
render the graphics on the wayland surface.

     Steps 1 and 2 mentioned above will done in the application itself.


IVISurfaceCreator --help

Usage: IVISurfaceCreator <Process ID> <Window Title> <IVI-Surface ID>


IVISurfaceCreator is a Tool to map wl_surface to GlobalID: <IVI-Surface ID>.  
“Window Title” is set by using wl_shell_surface::set_title.

E.g. Weston-flower names its title as “Flower”. If you set NULL to the 
parameter, IVIsurfaceCreator will map the oldest wl_surface to the ID. 

As usual, Weston client example create only one wl_surface in its process. The 
title is not so important parameter.


After that, you can use <IVI-Surface ID> to control the wl_surface by using ivi 
layout APIs.


If you want to get notification when an application create wl_shell_surface, 
you can use the following event in ivi_application.xml, extension event for 

<event name="wl_shell_info">

            <arg name="pid" type="int"/>

            <arg name="title" type="string" allow-null="true"/>






From: IVI [mailto:ivi-boun...@lists.tizen.org] On Behalf Of karthik karthik
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 1:56 AM
To: ivi@lists.tizen.org
Subject: Questions on weston-ivi-shell




    In the process of trying to understand layer management, I had understood 
the following. Need some help to check whether I am right with these 


Steps :-


To put an image file on to a layer :-


1) Use wl_compositor_create_surface to create a wayland surface.

2) Write the image data on to the wayland surface.

3) Use ivi_application_surface_create api to tie the wayland surface with the 
Global ID.

4) Now to add it to a Layer,

    a) Use the global ID to extract the surface using the API 

    b) The resultant surface is added to the layer using the API 


To put an application on to a layer :-


 a) Launch application using system calls. The application on launch, will 
render the graphics on the wayland surface.

     Steps 1 and 2 mentioned above will done in the application itself.
 b) Launch IVISurfaceCreator. The Global ID is passed via arguments to the 
 c) IVISurfaceCreator calls the ivi_application_surface_create api's to tie the 
wayland surface with the Global ID.
 d) Now to add it to a layer, it is similar to step 4 mentioned above..

Is this understanding correct ??



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