Hi John,

On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 7:23 PM JOHN Morris <j.morri...@ntlworld.com.invalid>

> Where can we go from here? I can only think of asking you to double check
> that both of your test runs are not on the same XML data somehow.

I've just double checked, and I get XSD validation errors on both of your
XML input documents when validated by the XSD document that you've provided.

I get the count of XSD validation errors as 9 and 18, respectively for the
XML input documents test1.xml and test2.xml when both of these XML input
documents are validated by the XSD document test.xsd.

It seems strange to me that, you don't get any XSD validation errors with
Xerces-J for the XML input document test2.xml.

... or do you have any other further suggested steps in order to achieve
> consistency from our two sets of results?

May be if someone else, could also cross check my findings, that would be
further helpful to this discussion.

If you're still grappling with this issue, I could also suggest that you
can create a Xerces-J jira issue for this and attach your XML and XSD
documents to the jira issue. That shall help anyone else, to use your test
case XML and XSD documents and do an analysis.

Mukul Gandhi

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