Vincent Massol wrote:
> >   commons-cactus-20010408.tar.gz
> I'm not sure what you imagined inside this tar. I wanted to deliver the
> following files (extract from the Cactus web site) :
> "
> Here follows the list of files that you can download :
> - cactus-<servletapi>-<version>.jar : the Cactus framework runtime jar for a
> given servlet API,
> - cactus-ant-<version>.jar : some custom Ant tasks that are helpful for
> automating running Cactus unit tests. Especially the runservertests which
> automagically start a servlet engine, run the Cactus tests against it and
> stop the server once it is finished,
> - cactus-sample-<servletapi>-<version>.zip : a Cactus Sample application
> that shows how to write Cactus tests and how to run and deploy them in a
> servlet engine using Ant,
> - cactus-doc-<servletapi>-<version>.zip : Cactus documentation for a given
> servlet API. It contains the javadoc and a local copy of the Cactus web
> site,
> - cactus-src-<version>.zip : full Cactus sources,
> - : a prepackaged version of Ant, which contains all needed external
> jars for tasks used by Cactus build files. This is not a compulsory download
> but it makes it easier for installing Ant and preparing it for Cactus. This
> file is only delivered for releases (and not for nightly builds).
> "
> Delivering a single file means including all these files. However, they will
> not be of use to everyone. Some only want to get the latest runtime jars,
> others the doc, others the sample, ....

I would still deliver one big bag, and let people get what they want
from that.  Will make user support easier if you can ask which nightly
or release the little part they have a problem with came from.


Geir Magnusson Jr.                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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