On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Peter Donald wrote:

> Hi,
> At 01:48  11/4/01 -0700, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> >(4) Source Directory Structure
> >
> >The following directory layout will be typical for a Commons component:
> >
> >jakarta-commons/foo/             For component "foo"
> >  build/                         BUILD SCRIPTS
> >    build.xml                    Standard build.xml script (with others
> >                                 if appropriate)
> >    build.properties.sample      Example external dependencies file (see
> >                                 below for details)
> I will say this again because no one seems to listen but doing this is a
> good way to screw your users. "build" is used in many projects to indicate
> intermediate files. For newbies it also requires intimate knowledge of
> build practices before they can locate the base build.xml file. Hence why
> this directory should not exist and file sshould exist in base directory.

I've actually been in Peter's camp on this issue (i.e. Struts and Tomcat
both do this currently).  The counter-argument is messiness in the
top-level directory, especially for projects that have several (Cactus) to
lots (Turbine) of build script variants.  I'm fine with either placement.

On the issue of where the output of a build goes, I've seen just as many
uses of "out" or "target" as I have of "build".  Again, I'm not hung up on
*which* directory name we choose - I just want us to select standards (at
least within Commons) and stick with them.  We can worry about conquering
the rest of the world later.

> >  conf/                          CONFIGURATION FILE SOURCES
> >    MANIFEST.MF                  Manifest file for JAR(s)
> Considering many project manipulate/filter/transform their conf files
> doesn't it make more sense to place them under src/conf ???

The filtering happens on the way to the output directory (target/conf in
the current proposal).  There is also sometimes filtering being done on
files in the "web" directory (if your component is or builds a webpp), so
you'd want to make the same argument for the "web" directory if it exists.

Again, I'm fine with either -- just not with both :-).

> Cheers,
> Pete


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