See interspersed.

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

> Jeff Turner wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 01:48:37PM -0700, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> > > In looking at the build.xml files for components created so far, I'd like
> > > to suggest some common practices based on what seems to work well.  If we
> > > started converging on these practices, then we can codify them in
> > > guidelines for new Commons committers so they don't have to struggle to
> > > figure out how we do things.
> > >
> > > Note that these guidelines would certainly be useful within
> > > jakarta-commons-sandbox as well as jakarta-commons -- but we've explicitly
> > > said that the sandbox has few or no rules, so the "official" guidelines
> > > should apply to jakarta-commons only.
> > >
> > > To help us towards the goal of similar implementations across components,
> > > I've got the following suggestions for us to consider and comment on:
> > >
> > >
> > > (1) Reliance on Ant Installation
> > >
> > > Cactus and Beanutils expect you to have installed your favorite version of
> > > Ant, including setting ANT_HOME and adding $ANT_HOME/bin to your PATH.  In
> > > addition, you will need to install any optional tasks (and JAR files they
> > > depend on) in $ANT_HOME/lib.  This approach means we don't need to create
> > > "build.bat" and "" scripts -- we can just execute "ant" directly
> > > to run our builds.
> > 
> > Hooray.. no more dodgy scripts to maintain :) Although see caveats below.
> How dodgy were they? 

Go look at the and build.bat scripts for Tomcat as a case study
(these little babies are my fault).  Every new external dependency (which
we're trying to encourage in Commons :-) requires you to fix not only
build.xml, but these two scripts as well -- and a shell hacker I am
definitely not.

Among other things, these scripts rely on environment properties to pass
information to the build.xml script, which causes grief for lots of people
who aren't familiar with them.  We could use type files
to eliminate that, which means the only thing / build.bat would
do for you is find the appropriate Ant.  Seems kinda wasteful to require
scripts for that when Ant already provides a very nice one in
$ANT_HOME/bin (and "ant" is easier to type also :-).

> > 
> > > (2) Ant Library Dependencies
> > >
> > > Ant supports the ability to configure the set of JAR files it uses in the
> > > $ANT_HOME/lib directory.  At least for the present, can we encourage
> > > people to configure like this?
> > > - Ant 1.3 or later (affects what commands you can use in build.xml files).
> > > - Install the corresponding optional.jar file.
> > > - Replace the JAXP/1.0 parser (jaxp.jar and parser.jar) with the
> > >   JAXP/1.1 stuff (jaxp.jar, crimson.jar, and xalan.jar).  This makes
> > >   things like the <style> task work, and will become the norm in
> > >   Ant 1.4.
> > > - Other JARs needed here should be documented in the instructions for
> > >   the Commons component that needs them (although see my separate rant
> > >   about stylebook :-).
> > 
> > Ah yes.. just an additional point, the Ant <stylebook> task *requires* an
> > earlier version of xalan (1.2.2 I think). This is not the version bundled with
> > JAXP1.1, and certainly not anything from xalan 2.x. I had to fish out the
> > xalan.jar from Cocoon to get Cactus compiling.

Sounds like a good reason to not use Stylebook to me :-).

> But aren't we now causing people who have a setup to have to modify
> their ant setup by replacing things in lib?
> This is the problem that not having checked in jars was to avoid, namly
> specific version bindings for 'framework' jars....

Alternatively, they could have an Ant setup designed for this purpose
(such as one nicely packaged up the way that you are suggesting, and the
way Vincent already offers with Cactus).

> > This is a cactus-specific example of a more general problem with the Antless
> > approach. See below..
> > 
> > > (3) CLASSPATH Assumptions
> > >
> > > To the maximum extent feasible, build.xml scripts should make zero
> > > assumptions about the contents of the developer's CLASSPATH (or
> > > assumptions about what has been installed in the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext
> > > directory on Java2 systems).  A good way to test this is to explicitly
> > > unset your CLASSPATH, and make sure all the targets in your build.xml
> > > script work correctly.
> > 
> > Yes! Classpath variables are evil ;)
> Yes they are...
> > > Note that this requires mechanisms for declaring external dependencies --
> > > see below for suggestions.
> > >
> > >
> > > (4) Source Directory Structure
> > >
> > > The following directory layout will be typical for a Commons component:
> > >
> > > jakarta-commons/foo/             For component "foo"
> > >   build/                         BUILD SCRIPTS
> > >     build.xml                    Standard build.xml script (with others
> > >                                  if appropriate)
> > >      Example external dependencies file (see
> > >                                  below for details)
> > >   conf/                          CONFIGURATION FILE SOURCES
> > >     MANIFEST.MF                  Manifest file for JAR(s)
> > >   dist/                          (OUTPUT) BINARY DISTRIBUTION
> > >     conf/                        Static configuration files
> > >     docs/                        Documentation other than JavaDocs
> > >     javadoc/                     JavaDoc API docs
> > >     lib/                         JAR file(s) containing the component
> > >     src/                         Copy of CVS source repository (?)
> > >   docs/ (or xdocs/)              DOCUMENTATION OTHER THAN JAVADOCS
> > >   src/                           SOURCE CODE MODULES
> > >     java/                        Java sources (or "share") - may be >1
> > >     test/                        Unit test sources (same package
> > >                                  hierarchy as "java")
> > >   target/                        (OUTPUT) BUILD DESTINATION
> > >     classes/                     Compiled classes for component itself
> > >     conf/                        Configuration files (possibly filtered)
> > >     tests/                       Compiled classes for unit tests
> > >   web/                           WEB APPLICATION SOURCES (IF RELEVANT)
> > 
> > Most of the world uses "build" as the directory where built stuff is kept.
> > Velocity is the only exception I know of, and it makes sense there because
> > Velocity comes with a version of Ant.
> >

All the projects Jon sets up use "build" to contain the build scripts.

> > Since Ant is now an external dependency, and build.(sh|bat) has been
> > eliminated, there won't be many files in "build" anyway. Why not just keep
> > build.xml and in the project root? That way, it's immediately
> > obvious how to get started. It also eliminates the potential confusion from
> > having basedir=".." in the build.xml.
> > 
> > [snip lots of good stuff]
> > 
> > > (9) Declaring External Dependencies
> > [..]
> > 
> > Here's a problem with the "don't bundle Ant" approach:
> > 
> > There are now two kind of external dependencies:
> >  - Ant must have been compiled with support for relevant optional tasks
> >  - The supporting jars for optional tasks must be *in the classpath*.
> > 

Either in the classpath or in $ANT_HOME/lib.

> > As an example, let's say build.xml uses <stylebook>. For this to work, the user
> > needs stylebook's jars *in their classpath* (not in Because
> > we've eliminated build.(sh|bat), and don't bundle Ant jars, we cannot prevent
> > users from getting cryptic "org.apache.* not found" errors if they:
> >  - have not compiled Ant with whatever optional task this project needs
> >  - have not manually added the optional task's jars to their classpath
> > 
> > So these external dependencies need to be documented, in big flashing lights. I
> > suggest adding an INSTALL file to your project template for this.
> Or can we just bundle the bare minimum ant and support jars to prevent
> this?
>  > However, since most people don't read INSTALL docs till after it's
> all gone wrong: > > If an Ant target uses optional tasks, it should
> have a mechanism where the > requisite classes are checked for with
> <depends>, and an informative message > printed if those classes
> aren't found.

Being able to dynamically add JARs along with optional tasks is one of the
things on the Ant 2.0 TODO list.  I view this as short term.

> And then maybe have them available for easy pickup at Commons?

How about if we promote Vincent's specially configured Ant to a spot on
the web site where anyone who wants it can grab it?

For me, I'm planning to stick with stock Ant 1.3 (with optional.jar) and
the extra JARs needed to make it work stuck in $ANT_HOME/lib so that I can
have a completely clean CLASSPATH.

> -- 
> Geir Magnusson Jr.                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Developing for the web?  See


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