At 02:16  9/5/01 +0200, Michael Gerdau wrote:
>On 4th May I have reposted a joined proposal done by Nick Afshartous and
>myself for a datamodel package which possibly should reside in commons.
>So far I have not had a single reaction on this !
>Was the proposal not properly presented ?

naah it was fine.

>Is there no interest in datamodelling ?

theres a fair bit. Cocoon2 will do it via exformula (an XForms
implementation) and there is a few other ones in the making or partially
implemented (though no "complete" implementation).

>Is the code provided deemed too preliminary to warrant any reaction ?
>Or is commons after all the wrong forum ?

Commons is the right place and any code is good. More important than code
though is ideas and a willingness to implement them (which you seem to have).

I can't speak for any others but my reaction was "nice, don't need it
though and don't know the guy". Thus I feel a little reluctant to +1 it or
anything - best idea is to convince people that know you and/or struts/jsp
that it is good ... alternatively keep being vocal ;)



| "Faced with the choice between changing one's mind, |
| and proving that there is no need to do so - almost |
| everyone gets busy on the proof."                   |
|              - John Kenneth Galbraith               |

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