On Sun, 13 May 2001, Peter Donald wrote:

> At 10:02  12/5/01 +0100, Vincent Massol wrote:
> >Can someone help me with the creation of the list ? I don't know how to
> >proceed and I'm not sure I have the authority for that.
> Usually when you need a list created and enough votes are cast you can mail
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and detail everything that needs to be done
> ie 
> list name = commons-cactus-???@jakarta.apache.org 
> list moderator = you?
> However as Craig has access you could always bug him aswell ;)
> Cheers,
> Pete

Yep ... this needs to be on my plate.  If people hadn't reported security
issues with Tomcat 4.0-b4 within minutes of its publication, it'd be done
by now ...

I will set the new mailing lists up tomorrow (including commons-dev and
commons-user per our previous discussion).


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