On 11/06/2001 18:31:53 jariw wrote:
> Bob Davison wrote:
> >
> > On 11/06/2001 15:23:18 jariw wrote:
> <snip>
> >
> > Jari,
> >
> > The "request results before available" bug is in the Apache bug database,
> > #1612.  A patch is with Vincent but I don't think that it has been applied
> yet.
> >
> Excellent. I have actually tried going down the first route I suggested,
> for the reason that I'd quite like to be able to test what has happened
> before the forward or include is called. That way I can split tests into
> checking that an "action" has achieved the right results, separate to
> checking that a JSP page outputs the results correctly. A sort of divide
> and conquer withing the "Model 2" world :)

I would treat this as two tests rather than modifiying JUnit/Cactus to handle
intermediate test results.
The first asserts the correct results data and the second builds the data and
asserts the JSP output.


> -- snip --

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