Hi Russell!

Russell Gold wrote:
> Hello. It is largely regarding this issue that Vincent invited me to get involved 
>here (I am the author of HttpUnit). Can you explain what you are looking for? It 
>seems to me that Cactus is first and foremost an in-container testing tool. Why would 
>you want to turn it into something else?

Personally, I need nothing because my mock objects are working perfectly
well, thank you.

However, some people (Vincent first and foremost) expressed the
convenience of having mock-object tests as a part of Cactus. They also
said it would be nice to switch from mock-object to in-container tests
with some setting. As I have an orphaned yet perfectly useable
implementation, I proposed to contribute and support them.

So, you would first test with mock objects in a request-per-request
basis, then go on to perform end-to-end tests with the container in
mind. From a "classic" perspective, you might look it as unit tests
followed by integration tests.

> I have a feeling that I am missing the point here, but it feels almost as though you 
>have found a hammer you really like and now wish it could turn screws as well.

Yes, you are missing the point :)

Un saludo,


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