A very naive question : Doesn't is sound like Turbine ?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "jakarta-commons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 1:29 PM
Subject: [Rupert]: introduction : webapp development tools

> This morning I checked into the sandbox a small set of tools that have
> been contributed by Velocity users.  Our intent is to start a webapp
> tool component - tools and utilities that are useful in templates (and
> JSPs).
> The idea to start is to bring together the small kinds of tools that we
> use in templating in a neutral place.  We hope to bring in tools from
> other templating engines, like WebMacro, as well as bean-ish (and
> non-bean-ish) contributions from Struts for JSP use, and Turbine.  I
> don't think we want to do tablibs, as they are too specific to one
> templating system, and I believe our interest is to do our very best to
> rid Velocity-specificity from the tools we provide ( I can't speak for
> others.)   Further, there already is a tablibs project here at Jakarta.
> There will probably be cases where things are specific - in that case,
> we might just as well make separate *.jsp, *.velocity, *.webmacro parts
> of the 'rupert' package.  One might argue we just maintain them locally
> (for example, Vel stuff at the Velocity site), but I am hoping that
> bringing them together and shining light on what we all are doing helps
> all.
> A few things :
> 1) There will clearly be overlap between what is already happening in
> some parts of Commons (like the MessageResource / Resource stuff).  The
> hope is that if there is a chance to combine into more sensical
> components we can do  that.
> 2) The name 'Rupert' is just a placeholder for a real name - we didn't
> want to hold things up while dickering. (And I couldn't resist the
> chance to finally get to use 'rupert'.)
> I will have a list of people we would like to add committer access for
> to work in the sandbox in a little while.
> I propose that for now, we start all message subjects with [Rupert].
> geir
> -- 
> Geir Magnusson Jr.                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> System and Software Consulting
> Developing for the web?  See http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/
> You have a genius for suggesting things I've come a cropper with!

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