Assuming that Cactus is to be the place for server side testing tools,
either for in container or mock tests then:

Ideas for later versions

- help for server side testing of the struts framework, e.g. for testing
Actions, ActionMappings etc. How are they testing struts btw. ?
- haven't tried the JSP redirector yet, but I imagine there's mroe to be
done there - like more help with testing custom tag libraries? 

When testing something that takes some XML, say an Element, is there an
easy way of testing ? I have had problems with JUnit and using XML
trying to create XML documents. 


Vincent Massol wrote:
> To cactusers !
> I'd like to ask you all what you would like to see in the 1.2 release of
> Cactus and even for the 2.0 release. The 1.2 should only contain relatively
> minor changes whereas the 2.0 could potentially contain architecture changes
> if need be (like introducing mock objects to some extent, ...).
> I need your help to set that roadmap. Once we have defined it, I will put it
> on the Cactus web site.
> Thanks for your help.
> Vincent.

Jari Worsley
Senior Programmer
Hyperlink Interactive Ltd

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