--- Ceki Gülcü <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 11:03 15.08.2001 -0700, Morgan Delagrange wrote:
> >> 
> >> This cripples the features of log4j, you can't
> use
> >> anything that makes log4j
> >> an amazing tool. It's like cutting log4j off at
> the
> >> knees.
> >>  
> >
> >Well I don't know about that.  The Logging
> component
> >supports the debug, info, warn, error, fatal,
> >isDebugEnabled, and isInfoEnabled methods of the
> Log4J
> >Category class, plus anything you can configure
> from
> >the log4j.properties file (which is a lot).  I
> >wouldn't be surprised if most folks use exactly
> that
> >subset of Log4J.
> >
> >That's why I'm much more interested in consensus
> than
> >anything.  Both tools do a good job of standard
> >logging.  I'd settle for either.
> >
> >- Morgan
> Hi Morgan,
> I think the logging proposal nicely solves the
> log4j.jar dependency
> problem. It also offers a simple logging interface
> but as you will
> soon discover people will want more. They will say,
> log4j supports
> Nested Diagnostic Contexts, your abstraction does
> not. Can you please add
> that? Oh, by the way, I also like to have Mapped
> Diagnostic Contexts,
> can you please add that to your abstraction? 

Well, first I'd go to the Log4J docs and find out what
the hell they were talking about.  ;)

> Sorry,
> but Mapped
> Diagnostic Contexts require log4j version 1.2. What
> do you to then? 

I think we're trying to find a minimal interface that
could be commonly supported.  LogKit and JDK 1.4 won't
have a notion of a Mapped Diagnostic Context, so it
wouldn't be appropriate for the abstraction layer.  If
you have a need for very specific features of a
logging API, of course you would need to bind directly
to it.

Of course, that's not to say that you can't use your
fancy Mapped Diagnostic Context (um, what is it?) in
the Logging component, as long as it can be configured
externally (i.e through the log4j.properties file in
the case of Log4J).  Remember, classes like Category
only matter to the developers not the end users, who
only have access to the external properties. 
Therefore, all we need is an API that meets the needs
of the developer.

> BTW, it is surprising to see logging getting so much
> attention...

It's a scratchy itch for me.  Who likes digging
through source code?  OK, some freakish folks do.

Morgan Delagrange

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