on 8/21/01 4:21 PM, "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   <jjar package="veltag"
>         onlydependencies="true"
>         verifyignore="true"
>         localrepository="${local.repository}"
>         pathrefid="jjarclasspath"  >
>   </jjar>
>   <javac  srcdir="${source.home}/java"
>           destdir="${build.home}/classes"
>           debug="${compile.debug}"
>           deprecation="${compile.deprecation}"
>           optimize="${compile.optimize}">
>       <classpath refid="jjarclasspath"/>
>   </javac>

What if you have multiple <jjar>'s that you need to define? Can <jjar>'s
pathrefid= attribute be additive so that the classpath gets appended to
jjarclasspath every time it is referenced?

Am I making sense?


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