Kita percayakan akan kepada yang berkepentingan dalam hal ini para team pelihat bulan dan team Hisap NKRI, kayaknya pada hari Rabu ya  .... ikut.

Lana Sularto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Gimana yang dulu ikut lebaran Arab Saudi, apakah sekarang tetap konsisten ikut puasa mulai
hari selasa????????????
------------- Original message follows -------------


Official Decision and Announcement of the High Judiciary Council of Saudi

Just a short time ago, Fatwa-Online was informed of the official decision
and announcement of the High Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia that since
the moon of Ramadhaan was sighted this evening, here in Saudi Arabia, we
have completed twenty nine (29) days of Sha'baan (1426 A.H.), in accordance
with the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam)

((Fast when you see the crescent. If it is obscured to you, then complete
thirty days of Sha'baan. And break your fast when you see the crescent. If
it is obscured to you then fast thirty days)), [transmitted by al-Bukhaaree
and Muslim].

Subsequently, we shall be starting our Taraaweeh prayers tonight (Monday 3
October 2005) after the 'Ishaa. prayer, in preparation for the first fast of
Ramadhaan on Tuesday 4 October 2005, inshaa.-Allaah.

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Milis Masjid Ar-Royyan, Perum BDB II, Sukahati, Cibinong 16913
Website ; Milis jamaah[at]

Milis Masjid Ar-Royyan, Perum BDB II, Sukahati, Cibinong 16913
Website ; Milis jamaah[at]

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