
> Personally I would like to see

>   (a) improvements in the framework usage

Any specific, immediate recommendations?

>   (b) cleaning up of Avalon Excalibur dependencies (the Excalibur 
>packages has
>       been cleaned up a lot and you can now limit your dependencies to
>       those packages you need) - whereas the James lib includes all 
>       contents

By my count we have the following top-level James dependencies:


So I'm sure we can do that reduction.

>   (c) elimination of structural dependencies on Phoenix (Block and 
>Block context
>       usage).  This would eliminate the Phoenix jar dependency and is 
>       easy to do.  It would enable the deployment of James in more 
>       scenarios (embedded, part of web-service), etc. - while 
>maintaining your
>       ability to deploy under Phoenix where appropriate.

As of right now we use the BlockContext for one thing and one thing only
- to determine the root directory where James is running.  This allows
us to use relative URLs in the configuration parameters.  Quite
honestly, I'm not sure this is the best way to do this, although I can't
come up with anything else other than adding a root directory
configuration parameter.  This probably requires a little discussion on
the james-dev list.


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