A few issues:

1. Before last night's changes, James built without a problem.  After last
night's changes I got an error that a JAXP compliant parser was required.  I
could only build James after downloading jakarta-site2 to my system in
addition to James.  My build configuration is Sun JDK 1.3 on RH 6.2.

2. Does org.apache.avalon.phoenix.components.manager.MX4JSystemManager
listen specifically on localhost, or is this another port that we need to
firewall?  Does the component understand a bind address parameter?  [Sorry,
it is 3:15AM ... I'll look for source code in the morning if I don't find a
reply on the mailing list]

With respect to http://localhost:8082, this presumes that the server is
capable of hosting a suitable browser (or that the person is able to execute
an alternative, such as an ssh tunnel).  Apache users could do something
like (off-the-cuff):

<Location /jmx/ >
      SSLRequire %{SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE} >= 128
      ProxyPass         /jmx/         http://localhost:8082/
      ProxyPassReverse  /jmx/         http://localhost:8082/

I'll play with that later.

        --- Noel

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