I agree with most of the points Otis makes.  As a developer I would
prefer to develop in Java5.

As I do all my Solr development in Java5, it would be nice to be able
to move some common stuff to Lucene more easily.  Now I have to plan
ahead of time if I think it has a decent probability of being wanted
by the Lucene community, and avoid any Java5 features.

A couple of points:
- "syntactic sugar" is a rather broad categorization, including some
very useful things.  It is not synonymous with "irrelevant" or "should
not be seriously considered", although it has that connotation.  I'd
recommend avoiding that phrase.
- I disagree with many of the arguments 1.4 proponents are making
about the Java5 language/library improvements themselves.  The real
compelling argument is that moving to Java5 now will inconvenience a
fair number of people.

I'd personally be more comfortable moving to Java5 if at least GCJ had
support (which it looks like it's getting!)


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