I'm throwing myself at the mercy of the lucene community, I'm a bit brain dead today after looking after a screaming 3 month old baby for 4 hours last night...

We have a 'title' field indexed as Field.Text(...), which works nicely, and has lots of good searching.

However, this application is being ported from a DB based search, which had originally a "starts with" type search, and we need to support that.

So, given "The quick brown fox jumped of the caffeine addicted software developer", if the user types "The quick*" we need to find only those that have a title that starts with, and NOT match documents that have "The quick" as a sequence of terms later in the title (ie don't match "blah blah the quick blah blah").

Think SQL of " ....where title like 'The quick%'  ".

How do I do that with Lucene? I'm sure this a is a dumb question, and I know that Lucene's searching is way more useful than that, but you know these pesky compatibility requirements.....It's screwing with my unit tests because the new index search results are getting more results that the old db method.


Paul Smith

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