Hi guys,

   I have a problem that is kind of tricky:

      I have a set of documents that I enrich with dynamic metadata. The
metada name is the fieldName in lucene and the value is the text. For
"Rio de Janeiro is a beautiful city." would be indexed in one field called
text, and on another field, I would do something like new Field("city", "Rio
de Janeiro" ....). With this I can search on documents like this city:rio.

      The thing is, we now are composing more complex information on a
text, like this:
      "Daniel, the new presidente of Company XY, is 30 years old, but on
Company AB the director, George, is much older. He is 80 now."
      I will add on a document 2 fields, like Field("position",
"Daniel president Company XY", ...); Field("position", "George director
Company AB", ...). With this I´d like to search for documents that has
daniel and president on the same field, because in a same text, can exist
daniel and president in different fields. Is this possible?? I know that if
I had and index where the Document is a phrase like this, it would solve my
problem, but I´d like to stay with only one index.

  Hope I made myself clear.


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