The trouble is to keep information up to date in different nodes. Each node should contains some very small index. When a new node enter, it can fetch this index from other node, just like chunk in file sharing p2p. The smallest index should be one Term, so, searching will only ask one node per Term, smaller part must be too hard. When someone index a new document, it log its actions, and spread its log to owner of the right index, or it can be a pull from the DHT. log may look like this : "timestamp + term:[EMAIL PROTECTED]", and with a "-", when you delete. When you play a log, begins with a simplification of +-. date of the last update in each index can be read in the DHT. If diff log is too large, a node can fetching the complete index. This way, you can have a near up to date distributed index, it should scale right for answering, but should be slow for indexing. Node should use NTP or other time sync protocol. Each document is unique in the net, so, index conflict shouldn't happen. With a right tokenizer, you can do a double indexing. One classical index (the reference), and one splitted with token->hash.

By the way, small chunk and diff log should be the right approach.


仇寅 a écrit :
Hi Mathieu,

You were right. In the early stage, I only intend to implement the basic
TermQuery and BooleanQuery function. Fuzzy match and partial match requires
more complicated algorithms. Cache consistency will certainly be my concern.

And yes, each node contains their own documents and builds index against

On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 1:30 AM, Mathieu Lecarme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for your clean and long answer.

With Term splitted on different node you've got different drawback :
PrefixQuery and FuzzyQuery will be very hard to implement.

Your DHT look very nice, but Bittorrent, the best bandwidth consumer
in the world (something like 30% of the Internet), made the choice to
centralize this bottleneck. But recently, Bittorrent can be used
When you read Google withe paper, more about cluster computing than
p2p computing, I agree, it says that one conductor (with redundancy)
is better than spreading and broadcasting information.
The trouble is to be sure that every node is synchronized, and waiting
for the latest. Redundant reliable information is not very compatible
with P2P, IMHO, redundant caching should be better.

Your dichotomic approach looks nice, first a simple action to know
wich node to ask, and after, consolidation of the answers.

In your scheme, where are indexed documents? Each letter node contains
their own documents?


Le 2 mars 08 à 17:09, 仇寅 a écrit :


I am just doing some simple research on P2P searches. In my
assumption, all nodes in this system index their own documents and
each node will be able to search all the documents in the network
(including others'). This is just like file sharing. The simple
approach is to keep all the indices locally and to flood the query
along the network. But this may consume much network bandwidth because
too much nodes, which are not relevant to one certain query, are
involved in handling a query.

So I want to introduce DHT into my system to solve this problem. First
let me explain what DHT is if you don't know about it. Distributed
Hash Table implements a function lookup(key) on a P2P overlay. It
finds the node of nodeID "nearest"  to a certain "key" efficiently,
usually in logN hops, where N is the total number of nodes. Here the
concept "nearest" is not necessarily geographically, but is defined
the DHT implementation. For example, one implementation would define a
key is nearest to a nodeID when |nodeID-key| is the minimum value. DHT
is widely used in P2P file sharing tools, like Azureus and eMule.

In my design, why I want to partition the indices by keyword is to
well facilitate this lookup(key) function. Suppose we have two terms:
A and B. Term A's docList contains 1, 2, and 3; while term B's docList
contains 2, 3, and 4. To partition the indices, we hashes terms A and
B to two keys. We transfer the indices to the corresponding nodes
after calling lookup(key). To handle this query, we would again hash
these two terms to two keys, and locate the nodes responsible for the
terms, respectively, also using the lookup(key) function. We finally
do an intersection and get the result "2 and 3". Of course here we
only get a pointer to the actual indexed document, so we still to
fetch the document content after this.

And I don't think this scheme brings lots of single point of failures
because indices can be replicated on several nodes whose nodeID's are
near to each other. Even one node is down, the lookup(key) function
still finds a substituting node.

As I don't know how to partition the indices by keyword yet, my design
now is to keep the Lucene indices locally and writes the simplified
inverted indices to the nodes responsible for certain keywords. For
example, node X has the postings like:

termA: doc1, doc2, doc3
termB: doc2, doc3, doc4

and lookup(hash(termA)) returns node Y, lookup(hash(termB)) returns
node Z.

Then in the indexing process, node X writes the info "termA:
nodeX.doc1, nodeX.doc2, nodeX.doc3" on node Y, an the info "termB:
nodeX.doc2, nodeX.doc3, nodeX.doc4" on node Z. At the final step, we
follow this info and go back to node X to get the Lucene Field values
and the real documents.

Any idea or feedback on my preliminary design?

On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 3:48 PM, Uwe Goetzke

I do not yet fully understand what you want to achieve.
You want to spread the index split by keywords to reduce the time
to distribute indexes?
And you want the distribute queries to the nodes based on the same
split mechanism?

You have several nodes with different kind of documents.
You want to build one index for all nodes and split and distribute
the index based on a set of keywords specific to a node. This you
want to do to split the queries so "each query involves
communicating with constant number of nodes".

Do documents at the nodes contain only such keywords? I doubt.
So you need anyway a reference where the indexed doc can be found
and retrieve it from its node for display.
You could index at each node, merge all indexes from all nodes and
distribute the combined index.
On what criteria you can split the queries? If you have a combined
index each node can distribute the queries to other nodes on
statistical data found in the term distribution.
You need to merge the results anyway.

I doubt that this kind of overhead is worth the trouble because you
introduce a lot of single points of failure. And the scalability
seems limited because you would need to recalibrate the whole
network when a adding a new node. Why don't you distribute the
complete index (we do this after getting it locally zipped and
later unzipped on the receiver node, size is less than one third
for transfering). Each node should have some activity indicator.
Distribute the complete query to the node with the smallest
activiy. So you get redundancy, do not need to split queries and
merge results. OK, one "evil" query can bring a node "down" but the
network is still working.

Do you have any results using lucene on a single node for your
approach? How many queries and how many documents do you expect?



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
von ??
Gesendet: Sonntag, 2. März 2008 03:05
Betreff: Re: Does Lucene support partition-by-keyword indexing?


I agree with your point that it is easier to partition index by
But the partition-by-keyword approach has much greater scalability
over the
partition-by-document approach. Each query involves communicating
constant number of nodes; while partition-by-doc requires spreading
query a long all or many of the nodes. And I am actually doing some
research on this. By the way, the documents to be indexed are not
necessarily web pages. They are mostly files stored on each node's

Node failures are also handled by replicas. The index for each term
will be
replicated on multiple nodes, whose nodeIDs are near to each other.
mechanism is handled by the underlying DHT system.

So any idea how can partition index by keyword in lucene? Thanks.

On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 5:50 AM, Mathieu Lecarme <

The easiest way is to split index by Document. In Lucene, index
contains Document and inverse index of Term. If you wont to put Term
in different place, Document will be duplicated on each index, with
only a part of their Term.

How will you manage node failure in your network?

They were some trial to build big p2p search engine to compet with
Google, but, it will be easier to split by Document.

If you have to many computers and want to see them working together,
why don't use Nutch with Hadoop?

Le 1 mars 08 à 19:16, Yin Qiu a écrit :


I'm planning to implement a search infrastructure on a P2P
overlay. To
achieve this, I want to first distribute the indices to various
connected by this overlay. My approach is to partition the
indices by
keyword, that is, one node takes care of certain keywords (or
terms). When a
simple TermQuery is encountered, we just find the node associated
with that
term (with distributed hash table) and get the result. And
suppose a
BooleanQuery is issued, we contact all the nodes involved in this
query and
finally merge the result.

So my question is: does Lucene support partitioning the indices by

Thanks in advance.

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