On Friday 07 November 2008 18:46:17 Michael McCandless wrote:
> Sorting populates the field cache (internal to Lucene) for that
> field,   meaning it loads all values for all docs and holds them in
> memory. This makes the first query slow, and, consumes RAM, in
> proportion to how large your index is.

Can you direct me to the API how to access these cached values?
I'd like to have a function like: "List all unique values of the 
categories (A, B, C...) for documents that match this query".

i.e. for a query "text:john" show up categories=(A,B)

Doc 1: category=A text=john
Doc 2: category=B text=mary
Doc 3: category=B text=john
Doc 4: category=C text=mary

This is intended for search refinement (I use about 200 categories).
Sorry for hijacking this thread.


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