On Monday 10 November 2008 14:58:15 Mark Miller wrote:
> > But: it's slow to load a field for the first time.  LUCENE-1231
> > (column-stride fields) aims to greatly speed up the load time.
> Test it out though. In some recent testing I was doing it was *way*
> faster than I thought it would be based on what I had been reading.
> Of course if every term is unique, its going to be worse, but even
> with like 10 mil docs and a few hundred thousand uniques, either I
> was doing something wrong, or even on my 4200rpm laptop hd, it loaded
> like nothing (of course even a second load and then a search is much
> slower than just a warmed search though). Was hoping to see some
> advantage with a payload implementation with LUCENE-831, but really
> didn't seem to...

Currently I have 50 mil docs maximum, but usually 5 mil or less, so this 
seems to work for me, too.


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