> A better optimized solution would be to look up for
> the right color in setRGB depending on the angle of
> the currently drawn pixel - this way you draw the
> circle only once, altering the color is bascially
> free :)

I modified the setRGB() method of your program as follows to get my optimized 
coloured concentrics arcs.

Is there an alternate, faster way to do the maths?

Thanks very much Ig for you input.
void setRGB(int x, int y, Color[] colors)
         double angleInRadians = Math.atan2(y-cy, x-cx);
         double angle = angleInRadians < 0 ? Math.toDegrees(angleInRadians + 
(2*Math.PI)) : Math.toDegrees(angleInRadians);
         angle = Math.round(angle);
         angle = angle == 360 ? 0 : angle;

         int rgb = colors[(int)angle].getRGB();

        int index = y * bimg.getWidth() + x;
        if (index < data.length)
            data[index] = rgb;
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