Generally, this case results from some errors in your applets. Maybe you developed your programs and properly run them in Java application mode, however some incompatibilities between Java applet and Java application need to distinguish, otherwise this case will be occur on the web page. Another case is using inappropriate version. We ever used IE under Windows XP, the similar problems that you described occurs, but we are using IE under Windows 2000, all are normal. Please remember some incompatibilities in reading the file name maybe produces some problem. I give the example as follow:
Incorrect method,
        String filename = "earth.jpg";
        System.out.println("attempt to load texture from file: "+filename);
        TextureLoader loader = new TextureLoader(filename, this);
        ImageComponent2D image = loader.getImage();
Incorrect method,
   new + "earth.jpg");
Cheng Chang Dong
----- Original Message -----
From: zom
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 6:10 AM
Subject: [JAVA3D]

As french students in computer sciences, we would like you to help us;
we already thank you for this help.

first of all, please excuse my english which is not perfect.
We are students at the academy of Clermont-Ferrand (website,
and for the final project of our studies we are working for the ERIM.
ERIM="Equipe de Recherches en Imagerie Medicale",an important french team
of researchers in medical imaging (GE (General Electrics) are very interested in their
We've got to devellop for the ERIM siteweb pages showing, in 3 dimentions, the
result of their researches (like an interactive representation of a 3D brain.).
To satisfy the ERIM needs, we chose to use the java3D technology.
our  problem is that we manage to install java runtime on the user
PC when the user does not have it,but Java 3D classes are missing.
On the page, in the applet window, the message "applet loading" appears
but the java console is full of errors.

we would like to know if there was a thing that could make the message
"java3D classes missing" (or something like that) appear instead of the other message that make the user waiting for hours.

to make it easier, if you had an apply that could install automaticaly on
the User PC the java 3D classes if the user does not have it yet.
(like the result of the following code, except that this code deals with
simple java runtime, not Java3D runtime)

thanx if you can help us;
and if you cannot give a precise awnser, and if you have some good adresses on the net where we can find some clues
don't hesitate to contact us!!
thank you for your help,
if you want to have some infos about our academy, or about the ERIM
we would be pleased to give it to you.


Romain MORLOT,
Lionel ALDON,
Mickael GENET.


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