I wanted to raise a few indisputable facts about Java3D to help reassure
people that Java3D has a real/serious future.

1) APPLE is putting resources behind Java3D on the mac.  Do you remember
how LONG that has taken?  Do you think Jobs would have done this unless
he got someone at SUN to swear on their mothers grave that Java3D would
have a future?  Dont kid yourself about Apples decision.  It stands on
its own.

2) There will be a Java3D booth.  SUN is still trying to attract people
to use Java3D.  There is no doubt about that.  Their efforts are
valiant.  I see Java3D picking up steam, and maturing.

3) There are ALOT of very REAL projects leveraging Java3D, and it is
ANYTHING BUT DEAD.  I have seen applications at places everywhere from
NASA, to defense contractors, to banks and financial institutions, to
game companies, to you name it!  They are not all over the mailing lists
asking questions, and are not very vocal... but they are there.

Maybe this is just me... but i have no doubts, questions, etc... no
time... only time to write cool code!


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