We announce the availability of the source code for the Java 3D API on
java.net.  We are involving developers in the evolution of the Java 3D
API.  Come join the Java 3D projects on java.net, and download the
source code for the core Java 3D API, vecmath, the Java 3D core
utilities, and the Java 3D program examples.

We invite anyone to be a project "observer".  All you need to do is
sign up for a java.net account, if you don't have one already, and
join the project.  We will have more detailed instructions as to
how to contribute to the project after JavaOne.


There are 4 separate sub-projects under the main Java 3D project
(which is just the parent for the other four).  The projects, and
their URLs are:

    Project          URL                           Description
    -------          ---------------------------   ----------------
    java3d           java3d.dev.java.net           parent project
    j3d-core         j3d-core.dev.java.net         javax.media.j3d
    j3d-core-utils   j3d-core-utils.dev.java.net   com.sun.j3d.*
    vecmath          vecmath.dev.java.net          javax.vecmath
    j3d-examples     j3d-examples.dev.java.net     example programs

We are releasing the source code for the j3d-core-utils and
j3d-examples projects under a BSD license.

We are releasing the source code for the j3d-core and vecmath projects
under separate research and commercial license.  The research license
is the Java Research License (JRL). The commercial license is the Java
Distribution License (JDL), a no-fee license that allows a vendor to
ship a compatible version of Java 3D with or without modification.

The API specification will continue to evolve as part of the Java
Community Process (JCP). We welcome community participation, and
encourage developers to contribute both bug fixes and new
implementation code to the API. The combination of the JRL and the JDL
was chosen to facilitate this, while ensuring the integrity and
compatibility of the API.

Finally, a little logistical information.  The Java 3D team will be at
JavaOne most of next week and then on holiday the entire week after
that.  We apologize in advance for our slow response time in answering
e-mails over the next two weeks.

Kevin Rushforth
Advanced Development Graphics Group
Sun Microsystems


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of the message "signoff JAVA3D-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

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