
You don't have Pernica listed.  Pernica is a pure Java & Java 3D
commercial virtual world that has been open and in public usage for
almost two years now ( http://www.starfireresearch.com ).

- John Wright
Starfire Research

On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 23:35:42 -0400, David Du <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am not sure why you are very very happy, have we seen any commercial
projects (games or any) built on Java3D? I am still trying to figure out
what is the best technology to use for web-based graphics application
game on the web), anybody has comments?

There are definitely (big) applications using J3D. After this question
comes repeatedly, I started to collect some links to J3D-projects.
Currenly it is really small but contributions and information about
additional projects are welcome:

http://www.3dchat.org - Welcome To The Unreal World
http://java3d.virtualworlds.de - The J3D Developers Ressource

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