I have to disagree regarding GWT.  I've been using it extensively on new and 
legacy web app projects.  I could kinda see using applets in situations, where 
I knew there was no need to ever interoperate with DOM (and the state the 
plug-in is in now, still leaves it behind, IMO), but once you are faced with a 
need to integrate new RIA-like features into an existing app, it's either 
hand-coding JS or GWT.  Don't get me wrong, GWT is far from perfect: when you 
hit the edge of its capabilities and have to step out into native JS or come up 
with clever CSS or HTML hacks, the elegance is gone in an instant and you're up 
against an even uglier battle trying to make these leaky abstractions that 
don't get along play nice (GWT still doesn't let you control THEAD elements in 
tables!).  But overall, I see it more as a higher level alternative to writing 
complex DHTML, not a straight replacement for applets or Flash.


From: Jess Holle <je...@ptc.com>
To: javaposse@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 11:27:56 AM
Subject: [The Java Posse] Google - missing the point?

I concur with Dick in one respect here:

Google seems to be working really hard to use Java to author
client software while avoiding actually using it on the client -- at
least with GWT.

While GWT is really cool for those who want to write Java, not
JavaScript, it is essentially a giant workaround.  The real solution is
better Java Plug-In penetration and just using it.  Java 6 Update 10
and later are actually rather good.

GWT predates Java 6 Update 10 and I can understand that even now Google
may feel the Plug-In is not a feasible alternative (i.e. that they
really can't help drive this into clients despite Chrome, etc).  I do
sometimes wonder whether Google even wants Java on the client
-- as they have more influence and traction in the [D]HTML space.  In
any event, I believe Google could expend a little of their
influence to help Java (and JavaFX) become a real force on the client
-- but they clearly have chosen not to attempt that.

Then there's Android.  I have to really applaud Google here in one
respect -- Java ME is a throwback to ancient Java history and is just
begging to be by-passed.  Specifically, there's no support for Java 5
language features in ME and no plans whatsoever to add these!  On the
other hand, Google went a lot further to develop their own set of
client libraries rather than using any existing client libraries -- and
thus is creating another splinter UI platform space like SWT did before

Jess Holle

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