> (...) while I personally believe the collections API is a pile
> of dung from a conceptual point of view, it is an existing standard with
> decent implementations. (...)

I agree, but the collections library I would like to have would
comprise so many interfaces that most developers would be repelled. I
think forcing JSR 308 (or something like it) on the masses and then
creating a collections API on top is the only viable way of getting
type-system-enforced immutable, read-only, mutable, fixed-size,
synchronized,... collections.

> Long story, shorter conclusion: what I would be looking for is a
> language that looks very Javaish and has strong static typing.


> at least explicit nullability

Again, JSR 308 would do for me. Also I would not mind having "null"
renamed to "nothing". The name is much more fitting for the bottom
type in an OO language. Having access to that bottom type would be
neat too: "public <E extends IOException> void method(...) throws E"
would be so much more useful if I could call "obj.<Nothing>method
(...)". The Java bug report comes with a longer, more compelling
example: http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=5060259

> and closures,

No argument here.

> no broken arrays,

I would drop arrays! (At least in the way that scala dropped them.)
Just thinking about the problems arrays cause with the evolution of
Java today I don't see any reason for attaching that anchor to a new

> join and union types

If with union types you mean C/C++ unions, I would respectfully

> maybe even simple constraints such as Integer[0..5]

I thought about that a couple weeks ago, but next people will want to
express "an integer divisible by 4" or a string that matches "\A(\d+)x
(\d+)\z". Wouldn't it be awesome if you could -- as part of your
library -- code up subtype-relations? So the language would come with
the value type javasjava.lang.Rat (a rational number). Then you define
relations over /, <, <=, > and >=, so you could have a value type
javasjava.lang.Int; each would be a Rat but divisible by 1 and a Nat
would be an Int >= 0. Expressing such types would have to happen with
something more akin to class definitions and not inline, you'd have to
write up a type "ZeroToFive" or so.
Obviously you won't be able to statically check all assignments (not
soundly anyways), but even if you only gave people the "Integer
[0...5]" there would still be casts and runtime checks.
Ah well... this would probably be overshooting "Java's Java", forget I
said anything.

With kind regards
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