On Aug 5, 3:21 pm, Casper Bang <casper.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Should Snoracle decide to go after Google (Android, GWT...), they now
> have a hefty bomb in their arsenal too. Cynical interpretation
> perhaps, but business is business and it was a great lesson from the
> cold war.
> /Casper

Ridiculous. The enemy is Microsoft, not Google.
Sun/Oracle should be trying to court Google to use more Java and some
JavaFX somewhere.
Heck, Picasa is a great tool to be converted in JavaFX. H*ck, if I had
ANY power in Sun, that'd be
mi priority. I'd put the best team of coders to do a Picasa in JavaFX,
and then give it away, free of charge, to Google, let them brand it.
Consider it marketing expenses. Then sit and watch as the
of JavaFX installs skyrockets...

Remember Scott McNealy giving Google's CEO Schmidt a box of

Remember the bundling of StarOffice (windows-only) with Google Pack?
Those were steps in the right direction.

Now, I'm still awaiting for some cool integration between OpenOffice/
StarOffice and Google Docs....

After a year in development, this is still too buggy, and the guy
working on this extension needs to be hired by Oracle/Sun... if you
ask me
http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/node/137 and this extension
needs to be bundled with OO.o AND a big marketing push about it...

But I'm threading off-topic. With regards to the issue of On2, Sun
missed the chance to purchase On2 and OPEN UP the needed codecs, in
other words "do a StarOffice" just like when they bought Stardivision
Gmbh and opened up its source code....

Google doesn't have the GPL in its DNA.... let's see what they do...


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