I'm fairly sure the iPhone's processor is fast enough to decode
theora, it'll just drain the battery that much faster. The whole
'battery!' issue seems a lot more relevant to music, anyway - you
listen to that for far longer.

Getting JavaFX out there by aggressively courting google's internet
app suite? Ballsy. I, like Fabrizio, doubt they'll go for it, as they
seem to want to move everything to the vanilla web, but if they're
game, that'd be a kickass strategy for JavaFX.

hitting youtube with IE6 already gets some pretty drastic 'dude, the
1990s called, they want their browser back!'*

safari still doesn't offer a full screen button on video tags, so I'm
guessing it'll be a little while before google walks away from the

*) Actually, IE6 was released in 2001, but either way, stone-age in
internet years. I like hyperbole :)

On Aug 12, 7:57 pm, Fabrizio Giudici <fabrizio.giud...@tidalwave.it>
> fcassia wrote:
> > Ridiculous. The enemy is Microsoft, not Google.
> This is history for the past century. I'd not say that Microsoft got
> irrelevant, but it's no more a big threat for computing freedom. Google is.> 
> Sun/Oracle should be trying to court Google to use more Java and some
> > JavaFX somewhere.
> > Heck, Picasa is a great tool to be converted in JavaFX. H*ck, if I had
> > ANY power in Sun, that'd be
> > mi priority. I'd put the best team of coders to do a Picasa in JavaFX,
> > and then give it away, free of charge, to Google, let them brand it.
> Google *doesn't want* that. Google has got its own technologies and its
> architectural perspectives, and clearly neither Java or JavaFX are part
> of its client perspective. It's quite clear they are creating a client
> architecture based on JavaScript for the desktop and Android for the
> mobile/netbook/whatever; and Google Chrome is their JavaScript client
> container, that would give them control. From their perspective, why the
> heck should they give up and give control back to Sun, considering that
> they have scarce influence in the Java evolution?
> --
> Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
> Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
> weblogs.java.net/blog/fabriziogiudici -www.tidalwave.it/blog
> fabrizio.giud...@tidalwave.it - mobile: +39 348.150.6941
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