On Sep 14, 2009, at 7:50 AM, Casper Bang wrote:

> Oh ok. Well I donno how much is involved from this to actually having
> Silverlight work, but it appears to be a good first step and they
> generally move at an immense speed over there. It's also interesting
> to see that the Mono bridge samples take about half the code size as
> their Obj-C counterparts.
> I never considered an iPhone because of the countless handcuffs, but
> this bridge actually means one could develop applications on Linux and
> Windows: http://monotouch.net/Tutorials/MonoDevelop_HelloWorld
> I'll interpret your answer as if you don't have a team trying to get
> JavaFX up and running on the iPhone.

I can only say this: JavaFX not being on an iPhone has never been a  
technical issue

> /Casper
> On 14 Sep., 16:36, Joshua Marinacci <jos...@marinacci.org> wrote:
>> You said the "first browser RIA plugin to be supported on the  
>> iPhone".
>> I'm saying that what they are doing won't make it happen.
>> Yes, it's possible to build a pure Java app that you can install on
>> non-hacked iPhones. Like Mono it involves generating an ugly blob of
>> Objective C code which is then compiled using the native toolkit. You
>> are still essentially writing Objective C code and you must code
>> against the Cocoa apis, you are just doing it with a different  
>> language.
>> I'm not saying what they are doing is bad or not a good idea. The
>> ability to write OpenGL games for the iPhone in your preferred
>> language is awesome. I just don't want anyone to think we are minutes
>> away from viewing Flash, Sliverlight, or JavaFX enhanced webpages on
>> an iPhone.
>> -j
>> On Sep 14, 2009, at 7:28 AM, Casper Bang wrote:
>>> Ehh... Mobile Safari? Anyway it is a declared goal of the Mono  
>>> guys to
>>> eventually offer Silverligt on the iPhone. Do you plan on offering
>>> JavaFX there?
>>> /Casper
>>> On 14 Sep., 14:16, Joshua Marinacci <jos...@marinacci.org> wrote:
>>>> Cross compiling your language into Objective C (which is what all  
>>>> of
>>>> these iPhone solutions do, even the Java one (yes, there is one))  
>>>> is
>>>> light years away from creating a browser plugin for Mobile Safari.
>>>> On Sep 14, 2009, at 4:17 AM, Casper Bang wrote:
>>>>> Why the grain of salt? For a while now Novell has been running a
>>>>> closed beta test program for .NET development on the iPhone:
>>>>> http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2009/Aug-03.html
>>>>> Anyway, the primary reason why you don't see Java on the iPhone is
>>>>> that you are simply not allowed by Apple to run a JIT. C# was
>>>>> designed
>>>>> to always be compiled, Java was not. Mono already took advantage  
>>>>> of
>>>>> this in the past in order to run on a multitude of devices (Wii
>>>>> etc.)
>>>>> so the compiler can emit statically optimized code just like a C
>>>>> compiler would do. I believe there are some attempts at bringing
>>>>> Java
>>>>> there, but the big difference is that Mono does not require a
>>>>> jailbreak whereas Java does which also means developers can
>>>>> publish C#
>>>>> applications in the app store. This probably also means that the
>>>>> first
>>>>> browser RIA plugin to be supported by iPhone will be Silverlight.
>>>>> /Casper
>>>>> On 14 Sep., 12:25, JavaSnake <zeevb.pub...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I know that such news from InfoWorld should be taken with a gain
>>>>>> off
>>>>>> salt... but here goes:
>>>>>> InfoWorld reports that "Novell on Monday will offer a kit for
>>>>>> developers to build Apple iPhone and iPod Touch business
>>>>>> applications
>>>>>> using Microsoft's .Net Framework instead of the Apple-designated
>>>>>> C or
>>>>>> Objective-C languages." 
>>>>>> -http://www.infoworld.com/d/developer-world/iphone-gets-net-app-develo
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> What is the status of developing with Java for the IPhone?
> >

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