On Sep 13, 7:16 am, Reinier Zwitserloot <reini...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Where I take exception, is when Joe Darcy
> complains about lack of community input.

Oh, there is lots of externally community input ("I want feature X
now!", for many values of X); there is much less external community
contribution toward achieving those features.

> I call truth distortion: Of
> course there's no community input. You killed it. Communities don't
> just magically show up on your doorstep. They grow. And to grow, you
> need to nurture them.

Agreed.  The blog posts I wrote toward the end of 2008 before the
Project Coin call for proposals period were intended to nurture in
others the design context we've been using to evolve the language.
Also, a light hand was taken in managing traffic on the coin list to
not scare away those wavering on approaching the doorstep.

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