On Sep 22, 2009, at 5:15 PM, Jess Holle wrote:

> Joshua Marinacci wrote:
>> Events are projected through the scenegraph. If you click on a
>> rectangle it will get the mouse event. If the rectangle doesn't have
>> blocksMouse:true set then the event will also go to the nodes below
>> it. This is essentially bubbling. You can then register event  
>> handlers
>> for the events you actually care about on the nodes that receive  
>> them.
>> What JavaFX doesn't have yet is a way to receive global events. For
>> example, all right clicks in the app to implement a global context
>> menu. Or low level keyboard events to the entire window, regardless  
>> of
>> which component has the focus. The are RFEs filed for these use  
>> cases,
>> so we should get them in a future release.
> Hmmm....
> So I should add "contextual menu support" to my list of big holes that
> need to be filled in JavaFX prior to even bothering with any attempt  
> to
> use JavaFX for any enterprise application?

Contextual menus can be easily added by attaching a mouse listener to  
any component which should have the menu. Alternately, you can put a  
transparent rectangle which fills the scene at the top of the  
component stack, then put a mouse listener on it.  This will give you  
a global mouse listener.  What you *can't* do is filter out the right  
mouse clicks from the components below you. You must either block all  
mouse input or allow it all through. We don't have super fine support  

> Other items in the list include good containers/layouts (of course)  
> that
> handle everything GridBagLayout/GroupLayout/MigLayout handle, and a
> component set approximating that in Swing (and most notably including
> really great trees and tables).

Yep. We are building more controls and more containers. In the  
meantime there's lots of great 3rd party components and other stuff at 

- J
> --
> Jess Holle
> >

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