I just don't get the use case for JavaFX. We keep hearing that it's a
DSL for GUIs. Really? Is anybody looking to build an app using either
Netbeans or Eclipse RCP really going to consider FX as an option. I
doubt it. So FX is not going to be used to build any of those GUIs. On
the other end of the spectrum, for small lightweight web apps, you
have Flex in an entrenched position. From what I've read it seems to
work pretty well with Java on the back end. Say what you want about
Flex but its fast and it looks good. Those are two things I can't say
about the FX sample apps I've seen. I have to agree with Joe when he
says that the prospect of designers moving over to FX from Flex/Flash
is a pipe dream. Bottom line: we already have DSLs for GUIs. Swing/SWT
for complex apps and Flex for simple apps.

It's just mind-blowing the magnitude of the bet that Sun has made in
what I think we can all agree is a very big gamble. Who sold this idea
to them?

BTW, the one thing that would be interesting: embedding FX inside of
Swing apps is still not available!


On Sep 22, 5:57 pm, Joshua Marinacci <jos...@marinacci.org> wrote:
> On Sep 22, 2009, at 5:15 PM, Jess Holle wrote:
> > Joshua Marinacci wrote:
> >> Events are projected through the scenegraph. If you click on a
> >> rectangle it will get the mouse event. If the rectangle doesn't have
> >> blocksMouse:true set then the event will also go to the nodes below
> >> it. This is essentially bubbling. You can then register event  
> >> handlers
> >> for the events you actually care about on the nodes that receive  
> >> them.
> >> What JavaFX doesn't have yet is a way to receive global events. For
> >> example, all right clicks in the app to implement a global context
> >> menu. Or low level keyboard events to the entire window, regardless  
> >> of
> >> which component has the focus. The are RFEs filed for these use  
> >> cases,
> >> so we should get them in a future release.
> > Hmmm....
> > So I should add "contextual menu support" to my list of big holes that
> > need to be filled in JavaFX prior to even bothering with any attempt  
> > to
> > use JavaFX for any enterprise application?
> Contextual menus can be easily added by attaching a mouse listener to  
> any component which should have the menu. Alternately, you can put a  
> transparent rectangle which fills the scene at the top of the  
> component stack, then put a mouse listener on it.  This will give you  
> a global mouse listener.  What you *can't* do is filter out the right  
> mouse clicks from the components below you. You must either block all  
> mouse input or allow it all through. We don't have super fine support  
> yet.
> > Other items in the list include good containers/layouts (of course)  
> > that
> > handle everything GridBagLayout/GroupLayout/MigLayout handle, and a
> > component set approximating that in Swing (and most notably including
> > really great trees and tables).
> Yep. We are building more controls and more containers. In the  
> meantime there's lots of great 3rd party components and other stuff 
> atwww.jfxtras.org
> .
> - J
> > --
> > Jess Holle
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